Well, it's obviously too cold to stroll around downtown or at the Riverside Cemetery for a tour, so that must mean it's time for our annual Scavenger Hunt!
The Scavenger Hunt will start on Sunday, Dec. 1st, 2013 and it will run for 12 days (for the 12 Days of Christmas) weather permitting.
Some of the drops will be during the day on the weekends and others at night. It just depends on our schedule and what we have going on. I will post the day before, whether it will be a day drop or a night drop, to give you plenty of notice. You also need to check our Historical Tours of WIchita Falls Facebook page to find the clues.
In order to play along, you MUST "Like" our Facebook page at
Here's how it works: I will post a photo of a bag hidden somewhere in the city of Wichita Falls. Once the photo is posted, you have to drive around and try to figure out where it is. I will post clues every 20 minutes, either another photo, or a word clue, until someone finds the bag.
You then have to take a selfie of you holding the bag and post it to our Historical Tours Facebook page.
There will be 12 bags given away, one each day, with lots of goodies inside, which will include XBox 360 or Kinect games.
Please play fair, don't get upset if you don't win and be nice during the play of the game!!
Are you ready?
Let's have fun with this and Merry Christmas! Jeff and Julie Coley